KSD-G3 Силиконовый пояс верности CB-6000 (A, B и C) розовый
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40 $ 57 $
Azərbaycan Pulsuz çatdırılma
The KSD-G3 is designed to work with the CB-6000, CB-6000 Short and the CB-3000 (with minor modification) The G3 is a totally new design,
different from the KSD-G2 It is incredibly easy to put on and take off and comfortable to wear! To make is work with the CB-3000 or Curve you will have
to modify it by taking 1/16" off of the top inside of the locking pin hole so that it will drop down 1/16" It will not work with the CB-2000. Артикул: IXI40590
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