3pcs horrible zombie nurse costume
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124 $ 173 $
Azərbaycan Pulsuz çatdırılma
This nurse has access to an unlimited amount of brains to snack on. 3pcs Horrible zombie Nurse Costume features a blood splattered polyester dress that can be easily slipped on. There is a red ruffle along the neckline and a white ruffle along the front of the neckline. On the sleeves of the dress there are red cuffs and a white bow. On the front of the dress there are two red lines of trim that go from the neckline to the waist with a white cross patch on the left chest. Underneath the dress there is a white mesh petticoat and both the petticoat and the dress are cut to look tattered at the bottom. It also includes the nurse hat and apron. Be sure to run the other way when you see this nurse in the hospital.
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