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Azərbaycan Pulsuz çatdırılma
Uniquely designed Clover Nipple Clamps
A simple yet very efficient design to help you squeeze and pull on your subs nipples The Tower of Pain includes to two Japanese Clover Clamps at each end of clear rod Once claps are attached to their nipples, place the rest plate on top of there sternum and then screw in the ball rod and start stretching their nips! Simply turn the ball to pull the clear rod further away from their chest, making the clover clamps pull more Keep them on the edge as they see you reach for the ball to turn it. Артикул: IXI48218
Oxşar məhsullar
Bu məhsula uyğun kateqoriya, qiymət, ölçü və rəngə uyğun məhsulları sizə təqdim edir
106 azn
59 azn
151 azn
201 azn
115 azn