Возбуждающие капли SEX ELIXIR Spanish Fly - 15ml
- 1 şərh
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110 azn 154 azn
Azərbaycan Pulsuz çatdırılma
The ingredients included in Sex elixir stimulate your organism. It stimultes blood supply to erogenous zones of both men and women.High concentration of ingredients will light every women's fire. Even the most frigid one can become a passionate lover. It's possible to increase your libido after only a few drops!The drops can be added into juice as they don't change its flavour. It takes only about 10 drops to make you and your partner feel extremely excited!Sex Elixir is especially recommended to:timid People - to stimulate• frigid People - to have discovered the nature of the hot Latino• marriages and couples with longer experience - to re-ignite the fire that burned between you• For problems with potency• In order to increase the intensity of sexual experience
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